Discover How Our 1000+ Students Run 6 & 7-Figure Launches While Avoiding The Freebie Seekers
Who Suck Away Their Time & Energy...

Gain Access to Our Proven & BATTLE-TESTED "Pay-To-Play" Launch System To Scale To Your First $10k...$20k...$50k, and Even $100k Online Promotion!

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A 7 Day Money Back Guarantee'

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The Paid Launch Formula™

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Can We be real with you?

That freebie launch model that has you crossing your fingers & hoping for sales has got to go.

You know what we’re talking about, right?

You pour your heart and soul into a free webinar, or 5-day challenge, or 3-part live training series and give away a ton of POWERFUL and VALUABLE information. And at first, it seems like everything is going great!

You’ve got tons of opt-ins, loads of engagement, and people are obsessed with what you’re putting down.

But then when you go to pitch…

You hear nothing but crickets.

Okay, okay, not totally crickets. You make some sales. But you’re behind those hairy scary goals you set, and when you look at all of the hard work and money you put in, you start thinking to yourself...

"Is this even worth it?"


Because honestly… there’s a much better way of launching. You know, one that doesn’t require you to…

Cross your fingers and HOPE that people convert after you’ve spent time and money giving them a shit ton of value (why are we settling for 2-4% anyway?!)
Switch launch strategies constantly throughout the year because you’re chasing a better conversion rate or that good ol’ novelty factor.
Drain your bank account trying to pay for ads that you’re not even sure you’ll make your money back on by the time everything is said and done.
Burn yourself out dealing with difficult clients who aren’t a right fit for your offer (but end up buying anyway).

The fact of the matter is, you’re too busy

as a business owner to be riding this merry go ‘round.

If you’re ready to get serious about having launches that bring in serious bucks time and time again, then you have to break the cycle and find a launch strategy that’s actually repeatable.

One that brings you customers you LOVE to work with and who are willing to invest.

Good thing we've got what you're lookin' for!

The fact of the matter is, you’re too busy as a business owner to be riding this merry go ‘round.

If you’re ready to get serious about having launches that bring in serious bucks time and time again, then you have to break the cycle and find a launch strategy that’s actually repeatable.

One that brings you customers you LOVE to work with and who are willing to invest.

Good thing we've got what you're lookin' for!

The fact of the matter is, you’re too busy as a business owner to be riding this merry go ‘round.

If you’re ready to get serious about having launches that bring in serious bucks time and time again, then you have to break the cycle and find a launch strategy that’s actually repeatable.

One that brings you customers you LOVE to work with and who are willing to invest.

Good thing we've got what you're lookin' for!

The fact of the matter is, you’re too busy as a business owner to be riding this merry go ‘round.

If you’re ready to get serious about having launches that bring in serious bucks time and time again, then you have to break the cycle and find a launch strategy that’s actually repeatable.

One that brings you customers you LOVE to work with and who are willing to invest.

Good thing we've got what you're lookin' for!

Hey what’s up!

We're Jill & Josh

We're the founders of Screw the Nine to Five™ and The Wealthy Course Creator, and we're here to help you move out of the “hope and promote” launch model and into predictable scale mode.

But first… let’s address the elephant in the room.

The online space is changing — and you’re feeling pretty damn exhausted hosting these brilliant free trainings only to see your sales barely break even, right?

We hear you. We reached our own “F THIS” moment with the freebie launch model a few years back, and since then, we’ve been working on developing a tried and true live launch model that not only converts time and time again…

… but converts higher than that golden 3% you’ve been told to shoot for.

It’s called the pay-to-play model — and it’s been converting like CRAZY for us and for our clients.

Dream With Us For A minute...

Imagine what it would be like to avoid the freebie seekers on your next launch

Higher Conversions

When people pay, they pay attention and so expect conversion rates between 10-30% — which is much better than the traditional 3% benchmark freebie-style launches have you shooting for.

Better Clients

It attracts the RIGHT customers who are committed to doing the work to getting the results. No more freebie seekers! Just the people you actually WANT to work with.

Instant Return On Ads

Make back all or most of your ad spend INSTANTLY - selling a lower ticket event, means that whatever you invest in ads will come back to you BEFORE you start your event. No more waiting to the end to see if you made money!

It's 100% Scaleable

This process is repeatable and easy to run over and over again - which means more mental white space for you to focus on making it more profitable and effective vs. chasing down a whole new strategy again!

Amy Porterfield Uses The Paid Launch Formula!

"So I called up my friends Jill and Josh and I asked them to teach me how to do paid bootcamps, because they are the experts in this area."

-- Amy Porterfield

And the best part is, we’re going to show you exactly how to implement it in our easy-to-watch, 3-part crash course!

A 3-part program for the coach, consultant or course creator who is ready to learn what’s working NOW in live launches, so you can have BIGGER promotions, with way less stress.

Do you ever wish that someone would just tell you exactly what’s working for them in their launches (without you having to spend six weeks in a program trying to figure it all out)?

That’s exactly why we’ve created this crash course. In just 3 steps, we’re going to be handing over our pay-to-play launch framework so you can plan and run your first (or next) pay-to-play launch.

No theory. No fluff. Just actual insights from my launches and my students’ who have used this same strategy to convert at 10% or higher in their launches.

If you’re someone who is sick of playing the mass volume numbers game and are finally ready to work with CUSTOMERS who have skin in the game, want to engage and participate in the launch, and convert into your higher-priced programs… this is for you!

Here's What You Get When You Sign Up Today...

The Paid Launch Formula is a 3-part, self-paced course that gives you the information you need to build, launch and scale your own pay-to-play launch process.


Create: How To Create A Profitable & Scalable Pay-To-Play Launch Event

We’ll kick off the course by showing you how to design a paid launch event that warms people up before you go to pitch your higher-priced programs. During this class, you’ll work to come up with a topic for your event and discover which type of bonuses to include with the entry ticket.

Plus we’ll show you two additional upgrades you can offer after they someone secures their ticket, so that you can earn more money and invest even more in ads. When you get this part right, it could open up an almost unlimited ad budget!


Create: How To Create A Profitable & Scalable Pay-To-Play Launch Event

We’ll kick off the course by showing you how to design a paid launch event that warms people up before you go to pitch your higher-priced programs. During this class, you’ll work to come up with a topic for your event and discover which type of bonuses to include with the entry ticket.

Plus we’ll show you two additional upgrades you can offer after they someone secures their ticket, so that you can earn more money and invest even more in ads.

When you get this part right, it could open up an almost unlimited ad budget!


Connect: How To Connect & Engage With Your Paid Launch Participants

Next up you’re learn how to connect with your attendees throughout your paid launch event. You’ll work to identify 3 different ways to engage with your participants so they feel seen, heard and acknowledged.

The more your connect and engage with people throughout the event, the more likely they will be to purchase your higher-priced programs at the end.

All this plus you’ll get the exact formula we use to host our training so that it’s easy-to-consume and builds momentum towards the sale. 


Convert: How To Convert Clients Into Your Courses, Coaching Programs & High Ticket Offers

In part 3 you’ll learn how to close your attendees into your next steps online course, coaching program or high ticket offer. You’ll work to come up with the ideal topic to use for pitching your offers at the end of your launch event.

When you nail the event topic and the pitch, it’s not unheard of to see conversions as high as 30% into your higher-priced programs!

All this plus we’ll break down what else you can do to close even more sales during your cart open.


Connect: How To Connect & Engage With Your Paid Launch 


Next up you’re learn how to connect with your attendees throughout your paid launch event. You’ll work to identify 3 different ways to engage with your participants so they feel seen, heard and acknowledged.

The more your connect and engage with people throughout the event, the more likely they will be to purchase your higher-priced programs at the end.

All this plus you’ll get the exact formula we use to host our training so that it’s easy-to-consume and builds momentum towards the sale. 


Convert: How To Convert Clients Into Your Courses, Coaching Programs & High Ticket Offers

In part 3 you’ll learn how to close your attendees into your next steps online course, coaching program or high ticket offer. You’ll work to come up with the ideal topic to use for pitching your offers at the end of your launch event.

When you nail the event topic and the pitch, it’s not unheard of to see conversions as high as 30% into your higher-priced programs!

On top of this, we’ll break down what else you can do to close even more sales during your cart open.

Here's What You Get When You Sign Up Today...

The Paid Launch Formula is a 3-part, self-paced course that gives you the information you need to build, launch and scale your own pay-to-play launch process.


Create: How To Create A Profitable & Scalable Pay-To-Play Launch Event

We’ll kick off the course by showing you how to design a paid launch event that warms people up before you go to pitch your higher-priced programs. During this class, you’ll work to come up with a topic for your event and discover which type of bonuses to include with the entry ticket.

Plus we’ll show you two additional upgrades you can offer after they someone secures their ticket, so that you can earn more money and invest even more in ads. When you get this part right, it could open up an almost unlimited ad budget!


Connect: How To Connect & Engage With Your Paid Launch Participants

Next up you’re learn how to connect with your attendees throughout your paid launch event. You’ll work to identify 3 different ways to engage with your participants so they feel seen, heard and acknowledged.

The more your connect and engage with people throughout the event, the more likely they will be to purchase your higher-priced programs at the end. All this plus you’ll get the exact formula we use to host our training so that it’s easy-to-consume and builds momentum towards the sale. 


Create: How To Create A Profitable & Scalable Pay-To-Play Launch Event

We’ll kick off the course by showing you how to design a paid launch event that warms people up before you go to pitch your higher-priced programs. During this class, you’ll work to come up with a topic for your event and discover which type of bonuses to include with the entry ticket.

Plus we’ll show you two additional upgrades you can offer after they someone secures their ticket, so that you can earn more money and invest even more in ads. When you get this part right, it could open up an almost unlimited ad budget!


Connect: How To Connect & Engage With Your Paid Launch Participants

Next up you’re learn how to connect with your attendees throughout your paid launch event. You’ll work to identify 3 different ways to engage with your participants so they feel seen, heard and acknowledged.

The more your connect and engage with people throughout the event, the more likely they will be to purchase your higher-priced programs at the end. All this plus you’ll get the exact formula we use to host our training so that it’s easy-to-consume and builds momentum towards the sale. 


Convert: How To Convert Clients Into Your Courses, Coaching Programs & High Ticket Offers

In part 3 you’ll learn how to close your attendees into your next steps online course, coaching program or high ticket offer. You’ll work to come up with the ideal topic to use for pitching your offers at the end of your launch event.

When you nail the event topic and the pitch, it’s not unheard of to see conversions as high as 30% into your higher-priced programs! All this plus we’ll break down what else you can do to close even more sales during your cart open.


Convert: How To Convert Clients Into Your Courses, Coaching Programs & High Ticket Offers

In part 3 you’ll learn how to close your attendees into your next steps online course, coaching program or high ticket offer. You’ll work to come up with the ideal topic to use for pitching your offers at the end of your launch event.

When you nail the event topic and the pitch, it’s not unheard of to see conversions as high as 30% into your higher-priced programs! All this plus we’ll break down what else you can do to close even more sales during your cart open.

Create your profitable launch today!

A 3-part crash course for the entrepreneur who is ready to learn what’s working NOW in live launches, so you can have BIGGER promotions, with way less stress.

And we're throwing in these powerful bonus shortcuts, too!

We want to be sure you get your profitable paid launch plan working as soon as possible, which is why we’re handing over these supercharged shortcuts to make it even easier.

Launch Planner, Scorecard + Calculator to Measure Success

Want to know a key way to avoid launch free fall? PLANNING what needs to get done and MEASURING what’s actually working! When you join the Paid Launch Formula today, you’ll also get access to our personal launch planner, scorecard and calculator.

You can use them to map out your launch dates, plan your specific assets, and track your numbers so you know exactly how your launch is performing and how much moolah you’re bringing in each day your launch is live.

The Ultimate, High-Converting Email Swipe Vault

If you feel totally overwhelmed with the sheer amount of copy that needs to be written for your launch, we’ve got your back. We’re handing over our email swipe vault from our most recent launch (which converted at 12.3%).

You’ll get access to our waitlist registration emails, our full list registration emails, and our sales emails so you know exactly what to say and how to say it in a way that gets people reading, clicking, joining your launch, and purchasing your higher priced offers!

Our Personal Paid Traffic Swipe Folder

If you struggle with creating effective ads and you like the style of the ads that we create, then you're going to love this bonus.

You'll get access to all of our image + video ads as well as the written copy to go along with them. That way you can model them for your paid launch.

Let's face it, most people's ads are boring. Yours will be fun and exciting but most importantly they'll convert.

Launch Planner, Scorecard + Calculator to Measure Success

Want to know a key way to avoid launch free fall? PLANNING what needs to get done and MEASURING what’s actually working! When you join the Paid Launch Formula today, you’ll also get access to our personal launch planner, scorecard and calculator.

You can use them to map out your launch dates, plan your specific assets, and track your numbers so you know exactly how your launch is performing and how much moolah you’re bringing in each day your launch is live.

The Ultimate, High-Converting Email Swipe Vault

If you feel totally overwhelmed with the sheer amount of copy that needs to be written for your launch, we’ve got your back. We’re handing over our email swipe vault from our most recent launch (which converted at 12.3%).

You’ll get access to our waitlist registration emails, our full list registration emails, and our sales emails so you know exactly what to say and how to say it in a way that gets people reading, clicking, joining your launch, and purchasing your higher priced offers!

Our Personal Paid Traffic Swipe Folder

If you struggle with creating effective ads and you like the style of the ads that we create, then you're going to love this bonus.

You'll get access to all of our image + video ads as well as the written copy to go along with them. That way you can model them for your paid launch.

Let's face it, most people's ads are boring. Yours will be fun and exciting but most importantly they'll convert.

High-Converting Sales Page Video Scripts

Real talk: Video is an entrepreneur’s best friend in a launch because it helps people to feel more connected to you, and eventually buy from you. 

Yet, so many course creators and coaches struggle with what they are going to say in order to turn a sales page scroller into a customer. 

Which is why you’ll also get our tested (and proven) sales page video scripts that help bust objections and make your offer a no-brainer.

Feel free to rewrite them and record your own badass sales video for both your bootcamp page and the sales page for your coaching offers.

They're yours for free when you join today.

Exclusive Facebook Community

How many times have you bought a program only to find out you’ll have to figure it all out on your own?

Because the biggest value on our team is “no question left unanswered”, when you join today you’ll also get access to our ultra exclusive Facebook community just for clients who invest in The Paid Launch Formula™.

You can use it to ask us + our coaches questions as you go through the steps for running your first paid launch. It's also a great place to connect with other likeminded entrepreneurs who are all running their own paid launches as well.

You’ll get instant access when you join right now.

High-Converting Sales Page Video Scripts

Real talk: Video is an entrepreneur’s best friend in a launch because it helps people to feel more connected to you, and eventually buy from you. 

Yet, so many course creators and coaches struggle with what they are going to say in order to turn a sales page scroller into a customer. 

Which is why you’ll also get our tested (and proven) sales page video scripts that help bust objections and make your offer a no-brainer. 

Exclusive FacebookCommunity

How many times have you bought a program only to find out you’ll have to figure it all out on your own?

Because the biggest value on our team is “no question left unanswered”, when you join today you’ll also get access to our ultra exclusive Facebook community just for clients who invest in The Paid Launch Formula™.

You can use it to ask us + our coaches questions in our weekly live office hours. And to make it even better, we’ll also go live in the group each month to give expert feedback when it comes to succeeding with this launch strategy.

You’ll get instant access when you join right now.

SUPER BONUS: Private 30-Minute Strategy Session

After working with 2000+ coaches and course creators with The Paid Launch Formula, it's clear that the ones who succeed the most do so because they nail the topic of their bootcamp.

That's why when you sign up today, you're also going to get a 1-on-1 strategy session with a coach who is personally trained by Josh.

They'll get to know your business and how you help people, then use this information to help you choose a badass topic for your bootcamp.

Ready to kiss the launch overwhelm, goodbye and learn the strategy that converts higher time and time again?

  • Part 1: How To Create A Profitable & Scalable Pay-To-Play Launch Event ($297 Value)
  • Part 2: How To Connect & Engage With Your Paid Launch Participants​ ($297 Value)
  • Part 3: How To Convert Clients Into Your Courses, Coaching Programs & High Ticket Offers​ ($297 Value)
  • Bonus 1: Launch Planner & Scorecard ($97 Value)
  • Bonus 2: High-Converting Email Swipe Vault ($97 Value)
  • Bonus 3: Paid Traffic Swipe Folder ($97 Value)
  • ​Bonus 4: Sales Page Video Scripts ($97 Value)
  • ​Bonus 5: Exclusive Community ($97 Value)
  • ​Bonus 6: 1:1 Launch Strategy Session ($297 Value)
Total Value: $1,673

Normally: $197

Yours Today For Just $37

* Full Transparency: We personally host the launch strategy sessions and our time is limited. As demand grows we do plan on raising the price in the near future. Take action now to secure your copy for the lowest price possible

And we're throwing in these powerful bonus shortcuts, too!

We want to be sure you get your profitable paid launch plan working as soon as possible, which is why we’re handing over these supercharged shortcuts to make it even easier.

Launch Planner, Scorecard + Calculator to Measure Success

Want to know a key way to avoid launch free fall? PLANNING what needs to get done and MEASURING what’s actually working! When you join the Paid Launch Formula today, you’ll also get access to our personal launch planner, scorecard and calculator.

You can use them to map out your launch dates, plan your specific assets, and track your numbers so you know exactly how your launch is performing and how much moolah you’re bringing in each day your launch is live.

The Ultimate, High-Converting Email Swipe Vault

If you feel totally overwhelmed with the sheer amount of copy that needs to be written for your launch, we’ve got your back. We’re handing over our email swipe vault from our most recent launch (which converted at 12.3%).

You’ll get access to our waitlist registration emails, our full list registration emails, and our sales emails so you know exactly what to say and how to say it in a way that gets people reading, clicking, joining your launch, and purchasing your higher priced offers!

Our Personal Paid Traffic Swipe Folder

If you struggle with creating effective ads and you like the style of the ads that we create, then you're going to love this bonus.

You'll get access to all of our image + video ads as well as the written copy to go along with them. That way you can model them for your paid launch.

Let's face it, most people's ads are boring. Yours will be fun and exciting but most importantly they'll convert.

High-Converting Sales Page Video Scripts

Real talk: Video is an entrepreneur’s best friend in a launch because it helps people to feel more connected to you, and eventually buy from you. 

Yet, so many course creators and coaches struggle with what they are going to say in order to turn a sales page scroller into a customer. 

Which is why you’ll also get our tested (and proven) sales page video scripts that help bust objections and make your offer a no-brainer.

Exclusive Facebook Community

How many times have you bought a program only to find out you’ll have to figure it all out on your own?

Because the biggest value on our team is “no question left unanswered”, when you join today you’ll also get access to our ultra exclusive Facebook community just for clients who invest in The Paid Launch Formula™.

You can use it to ask us + our coaches questions in our weekly live office hours. And to make it even better, we’ll also go live in the group each month to give expert feedback when it comes to succeeding with this launch strategy.

You’ll get instant access when you join right now.

Personal 1:1 Promotion Audit

In case you thought that was all, guess again!

Because when you join today, we’re also going to personally jump on a call with you for 30 minutes to find out what you’re doing right now and give you suggestions on how to succeed using the paid launch formula.

Just book your call after completing the program and we’ll help spot any holes for you to fill before you go to launch.

And in case you need an extra (loving) push to believe in yourself, here's our... No Questions Asked '7-DAY MONEY BACK' Guarantee

We 100% guarantee that you will love this program.

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the course, templates, and bonuses within 7 days, we’ll gladly offer you a full refund.

That means you can enroll today, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good!

Take the full 7 days to explore the course and materials then make a decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t.

Sound fair?

Still wondering if this strategy really works?

Here’s What Our Clients Have Been Able To Do With It:

“I can’t believe I made 6-figures on my first paid launch!”

– Kristen Doyle

"I had almost 500 people register for my paid bootcamp"

- Whitney Nicole

“I made $19,000 on my first launch”

– Li-Sann Mullings

“In my very first launch I have over 100 people join my bootcamp and I made over $15,000”

– Sara Bryki

"I did $6000 in profit and spent less than $500 on ads!"

- Serena Shoup

"I had 325 people in the bootcamp and over $47k in profit!"

– Richelle Gamlam

"I just hit my goal of having 500 participants in the bootcamp."

- Marcy Bernethy

"Total revenue generated: $38,995 (ad spend: $1,560)"

- Glynis Carpenter

"Net Profit (projected): $24,023.35"

- Amanda Grace

Got Q's? We’ve got answers!

Who is a good fit for this program?

This program is perfect for you if you are an online course creator, coach or consultant who has an offer but it’s not making as much money as you would like. If you’re a course creator or coach who has made a bit of money in your business but are ready to seriously scale, this is for you!

On the other hand, if you’re new to the online space and you don’t know your niche plus you don’t have an offer yet, this is NOT a right fit. We suggest you check out our Course Creators Funnel program instead!

Which launch model does this program cover?

The live launch strategy we're covering inside this program is the pay-to-play model. 

It’s the one our best clients are using right now to consistently to have higher converting launches without the nagging stress of “I hope these people convert!” that comes with running a freebie-style launch. 

What are the typical results you see with your clients?

Every niche and offer is different, however I recommend aiming for a 5-figure+ promotion the first time you launch.

As you can see from the client testimony on this page, this system works as long as you listen to what I say and you execute.

And because I’m also supplying you with the same scorecard I give to my higher level clients, at the end of your first launch, me and my team can help you uncover what worked well and what needs changing before you go to relaunch.

Why are you charging for this program?

Let's face it, how many freebies or lead magnets have you downloaded and not used in the last 12 months? If you're like most, then probably a lot!

We believe that, "when people pay, they pay attention". This means they're more likely to put into action what they learn in the program and use the bonus resources to ultimately get results.

Still, we get that this may be the first time we're meeting and so we wanted to offer you all this incredible value for less than $50!

On top of that, you have the full 7-day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose by joining today and checking it out to see for yourself just how it can help you have your biggest launch yet.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Yes! We 100% guarantee that you will love this program. If you’re not 100% satisfied with the course, templates, and bonuses within 7 days, we’ll gladly offer you a full refund.

That means you can enroll today, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good!

Take the full 7 days to explore the course and materials then make a decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t.

How much time will I need to complete the program?

Because you're busy and don't have time to watch 20 hours of content (let's face it, most courses are way too long!), we have made it easy to complete. In fact it will only take you less than ONE hour to finish all the lessons.

We made it this way as we believe the best way to get the rest of the answers and support you need will be from either us, our coaches or our other students from inside the private community.

Not only that but you will also get a 1:1 launch strategy session so we can help you fill in the gaps before you go to launch.

Then, if you would like to go even faster and you’re a good fit for it, we can discuss coming on as a private client inside our Accelerator program.

What you want is within reach, friend.

You just have to grab it. We’ve taken our years of experience in creating the paid bootcamps and have turned it into a system you can plug into your business and customize so it works without you having to sacrifice what makes you unique. 


But most importantly… it takes out all of the guesswork. 


You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have something killer to offer your audience. You wouldn’t be here if you already had a strategy that WORKED and allowed you to help more people. 


Which is exactly why this system is important. 


You have people to serve. Let’s make sure they can find you and work with you. 


Cool? Cool.


Recent results from our clients

Copyright © 2022 Wealthy Course Creator LLC | All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2020 Screw The Nine To Five Marketing Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.